Are Dental Implants the Right Choice for You?

July 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — limestone @ 4:05 pm
Digital illustration of the structure of the dental implant system

Dental implants at Limestone Dentistry in Jeffersonville, Indiana are the premier option in restoring a lost tooth or multiple teeth! Near you is a one-stop dental office that can perform your entire treatment including extractions, implant placement, and tooth placement. Read on to learn more and give us a call today to schedule your consultation!

What are dental implants? 

Dental implants are used to replace one or more missing teeth. The implant body is surgically placed into the jaw bone while a laboratory-made tooth is placed on top. Dental implants fully look and function sometimes better than natural teeth!

What is the process of getting a dental implant? 

Our first step is a consultation with Dr. Thornton. At this visit a 3D scan will be taken of the head and neck. This allows Dr. Thornton to place your implant virtually before ever performing your surgery. Together, you review your scan and decide if an implant is for you! A simple one-hour surgery is then performed. While we wait three to four months for the implant to integrate into the bone you are walking around as if nothing ever happened! After your healing phase, you return to Limestone Dentistry to have your brand-new ceramic crown placed. It’s truly that easy! 

What are the pros and cons to dental implants? 

Dental implants are the best option in replacing a single tooth. Dental implants cannot have a cavity form around them, and they look and function just like a real tooth. The main downfall to dental implants is their cost. Being the ultimate option in tooth replacement, dental implants are usually covered by your insurance company! By working with our front desk we will ensure you are aware of all costs prior to proceeding. 

Call us today to schedule your dental implant consultation with Dr. Thornton! 

About the Author 

It was Dr. Eric R. Thornton’s love for science that initially sparked his interest in the field of dentistry. He pursued his dental doctorate at the University of Louisville, and today he is an accomplished dentist who has undergone advanced training in a multitude of treatments, including dental implants and Invisalign. He truly wants each and every patient to achieve the healthy, happy, and beautiful smile they deserve, which is why he is happy to invest in the latest dental technology at Limestone Dentistry. If you are interested in learning more about our upgrades or would like to schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to visit our website or call 812-782-1391 to talk to our knowledgeable team!

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